Gifts for physicists
Gift ideas for physicists
Finding a suitable present for someone who decodes the forces that hold the universe together for a living may seem like a daunting and challenging task at first glance. But you can rest assured, because we have put together the best gifts for physicists you can imagine. T-shirts with jokes that only a real physicist can understand, matching mugs for coffee between two experiments and fascinating gadgets for home use are just the tip of the gift iceberg that lies dormant on these pages.Scientists are anything but boring. Just because they don’t want to be the centre of attention at every party doesn’t mean they don’t have it all t...
View full detailsThe most famous cat of all time (well, apart from Garfield) is without a doubt Schrödinger's Cat. In a legendary thought experiment, the Austrian q...
View full detailsEven Einstein said he had respect for the complexity of quantum physics. So if you're not a fan of this t-shirt, don't worry, we have several other...
View full detailsThis product is only available in German.
Isn't it amazing what the human brain is capable of? Not only has it secured us our place at the top of the food chain, it can also adapt extremely...
View full detailsYOU - SHALL - NOT - PASS! Gandalf taught us we should be really afraid of Balrogs and flee as fast as possible instead of gaping in astonishment. O...
View full detailsFaith in God can be an issue. Most of the scientists around here won't accept it as a basis of their existence. Often enough, faith stands in ...
View full detailsThe cake is a pie ;)Even maths can be a delicious treat. You just have to know how to take it - or how to bake it.
Practice makes perfect. No matter what you're talking about – sports, music, literature, basically every other activity – it's always good to start...
View full detailsDo you remember when we were little and our mum & dad and our teachers told us about the solar system? And how many planets were there? Nine, right...
View full detailsSadly, our everyday lives have a lot of potential for negative thoughts. But it’s important we don’t let negative experiences impact the rest of ou...
View full detailsMaybe the Borg should re-think their dress code and instead, put on the Resistance is futile T. Shirt which would be better than wired overalls tha...
View full detailsAre you an optimist or a pessimist? Simply look at the glass and tell us if it's half full or half empty ...Everyone knows this pseudo-scientific p...
View full detailsThe English word engineer is on Wikipedia's list of the most commonly misspelled words.Problems with that word also exist in other languages. ...
View full detailsThis product is only available in German.
When the borgs had known that it would have been so easy.
Well, good old normal distribution... What could be more beautiful than the balanced rise and fall of the Gaussian bell curve? Even those who don...
View full detailsSheldon: "The best number is 73. Why? 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplyi...
View full detailsHelping others solving their problems with maths - no problem! Just give them your number. ;)This shirt is available in German, only. :(
Physicists do indeed make great parents! Having an answer as to why the sky is blue, or why flies in a moving car don't hit the back window ar...
View full detailsThe famous experiment by physicist Erwin Schrödinger (which was, we hope, meant to be an imagined experiment only!) describes the mad side of quant...
View full detailsThis shirt makes sense in German only :) Please change to German to learn more about this product.
The Physical Society needs your help! You may know of Schrodinger's famous thought experiment: Basically, it's the theory that in quantum physics, ...
View full detailsThis Article is only available in German.
As nerds, we are definitely anything but average. We love topics and things that the average person might not particularly be interested in, we alm...
View full detailsThis product is only available in German.
Do you see real beauty where others just see numbers? Are perfect formulas and graphs your type of art? No matter where and when, do you think that...
View full details" Why can't we be together ?"... because "It is complex."Has this ever happen to you? You wanted to be together with someo...
View full details“You CAn’t USE a Pie chARt To DrAw A 3D RoOM” – said everyone who has not seen this t-shirt yet!Just one look at the Corner Pie Chart T-Shirt! shou...
View full detailsIf you run really, really fast this green T-shirt might appear blue. And by fast we mean extra racy ;).This effect is caused by the Doppler effect,...
View full detailsSome has to say it this cleary.
Here we have an octopus with eight (Latin: octo) arms. No ordinary arms of course, but Pi arms! That makes this being an Octopi. :)(By the way, wha...
View full detailsThe protons are doing it right: They always stay positive. We should take them as role models :)
If the bible had been written by physicists, the maxwell equations would have been in it for sure.
This Shirt only makes sense in German. ;)
Many are those that want to tempt you, entice you, and win you over to their side. But there's only one side that offers you what you really n...
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