When thinking about comic book heroes and issues, the two big names naturally come to mind first: Marvel and DC. But Great Britain also has a lot t...
View full detailsIn this blind bag you'll find one of eight different Crash Bandicoot Backpack Tags with characters from the popular video game series of the same n...
View full detailsDo you sometimes look up at the night sky and, faced with the incomprehensible vastness of the cosmos, become aware of your own insignificance? Wit...
View full detailsIn the world of Cyberpunk, megacorps rule the world. The Arasaka Corporation is not only one of them, but the largest and most ruthless of all. If ...
View full detailsWhile some superheroes are characterised by their supernatural abilities, Ironman or Batman rather shine with their high-tech equipment. Bruce Wayn...
View full detailsThe story of Tanjiro, who becomes a demon hunter to save his sister, is one of the most successful anime ever, thanks to the fantastic animation an...
View full detailsThis day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace.– Aragorn/Elessar durin...
View full detailsIn The Lord of the Rings, the little dwarves have big principles. Which becomes especially clear when Gimli refuses to be tossed over an abyss. Whi...
View full detailsAs a symbol of her patronage, Lady Galadriel, the ruler of Lothlórien, gifted brooches in the fashion of beech-tree leaves to the remaining members...
View full detailsEven though The Lord of the Rings is best known for epic battles and daring adventures, Tolkien’s masterpiece also deals with friendship and even l...
View full detailsAttention! You should only own the Lord of the Rings Key Chain – The One Ring if you are the Dark Lord himself. Then it has unique and unbeatable f...
View full detailsPlenty of people have declared “Die Hard” to be one of the very best action films of all time. Aside from the effortless humour and suspense-packed...
View full detailsDoom. The first-person shooter game that became so widely popular in the 1990s that other FPS games were called Doom clones. What made the 1993 sho...
View full detailsFor the unaware, these earrings may just look pretty. And they are, with the silver chains dangling bright orange spheres that look a bit like the ...
View full detailsThe movie "E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial" is already forty years old and still one of the greatest classics in film history. This is, of course, mai...
View full detailsThis product is only available in German.
"Oh no! What's that on your face? Don't tell me it's a facehugger! Quick, let me grab my M41A pulse rifle!" This is just one of the many possible r...
View full detailsThe free game "Fall Guys", released in 2020, is one of those games that don't have a plot but are incredibly fun, especially in large groups.And th...
View full detailsOriginally, Pip-Boys were a privilege reserved for Vault dwellers and raiders who encountered them, but with the Fallout Pip Boy 3000 MK V replica ...
View full detailsGamer hands are sensitive tools, as we all know. And frost is something they don't like at all,… which can be awful in the winter as there isn't al...
View full detailsAre you lacking your daily dose of trans-dimensional adventures in your everyday life? And are you in desperate need of some absolutely mad charact...
View full detailsWinter is approaching. House Stark from Westeros knows this better than anyone, and also that it is better to keep resources together for the long ...
View full detailsIf you are feeling poorly and need a boost of energy, this button will give you a second life. But please don't try to eat it. You could lick it, b...
View full detailsOh, how easy it would have been if the teachers at school or the lecturers at university had read more good science fiction. Then you could have si...
View full detailsYou may be wondering why Sheldon, the biggest nerd of all time, has chosen 73 as his favorite number. The answer is quite simple: 73 is the 21st pr...
View full detailsThe world can be a cruel, dreary place if you’re not able to take it all with humour. The iconic Geek Pin Bloody Smiley has become a symbol for see...
View full detailsBehind you, a three-headed monkey! What, you didn't see him? Maybe you can use this button as a mirror to look behind you. There he is again!
It is magical, sparkles and leaves a rainbow in its wake. In short: it's a unicorn. You shouldn't need any more information at this point. After al...
View full detailsPatches? We don't need patches where we're going! Just this practical button, which provides us with exactly 1.21 gigawatts to get our time machine...
View full detailsThe little facehugger from an alien movie on this button just wants to provide more love and guaranteed safe hugs. How cute!
We all know that governments lie. Magic really does exist! How else would this scarred boy fly on a broom? Hah, the power of good arguments. Almost...
View full detailsIf you can read this text, you have made the right choice and are about to wake up from your dream. Now it's up to you to destroy the evil machines...
View full detailsAs an introverted, shy person, you might feel rather uncomfortable in large gatherings of people. Ideally, you would like to put up a protective sh...
View full detailsIn the distant future, when evil manifests itself as a moon-sized entity, the colour green is all the rage and the last of the five elements walks ...
View full detailsAfter being separated from the Matrix for the first time and getting over the shock, you can finally start to take control of your life. The realit...
View full detailsWhat the Force is to Jedis, the source code is to computer scientists. If you control it, you basically control everything. But remember: with grea...
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