As an Edgerunner in Night City, you live every day - or rather every night - at the limit. Body modifications or not, the constant danger and stres...
View full detailsIf there's an emergency, Batman will be there in an instant – and if he's not, the Gotham City Police Department can simply call him using the Bat-...
View full detailsTanjiro is a hero, no question about it. Not only does he hunt demons to protect people from them, but he also does everything he can to save his l...
View full detailsThe story of Tanjiro, who becomes a demon hunter to save his sister, is one of the most successful anime ever, thanks to the fantastic animation an...
View full details"The Lord of the Rings" has fascinated us nerds for generations. It's not just the detailed and diverse value of Middle-earth that inspires us, but...
View full detailsAttention! You should only own the Lord of the Rings Key Chain – The One Ring if you are the Dark Lord himself. Then it has unique and unbeatable f...
View full detailsOn their journeys, Frodo, Bilbo and all their companions have experienced many an adventure and have been through times of hardship. And we all kno...
View full detailsUnfortunately, writing letters has gone a little out of fashion. But with this The Lord of the Rings wax seal set, fans of the works of J.R.R. Tolk...
View full detailsWriting letters seems to be an occupation of the last century. German government offices still use them today, but that rather confirms this statem...
View full detailsTo become a Sayajin and become as successful and powerful as Son-Goku, you have to train hard. But good training alone is of course not enough, a b...
View full detailsRick Sanchez is known for his good… well, for his ideas. People like him, i.e. (soon-to-be) scientists, creative minds and people whose brain is al...
View full detailsThe Lord of Light, the Red God, The Heart of Fire, the God of Flame and Shadows… just a few names given to the deity R'hllor in Game of Thrones and...
View full detailsIn the world of "Game of Thrones", the secrecy of letters has a completely different meaning. Although the ravens are unlikely to open the letters ...
View full detailsWe nerds often live in a different era. Our heads are usually still stuck in the 80s and 90s (Star Wars VI can't be more than 10 years old, can it?...
View full detailsOf course you can love the Godzilla franchise simply because they are cool horror films. But true fans know that there is a lot more behind the mon...
View full detailsOn the first of September each year, students at Hogwarts return to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Among fans of the franchise, this day is...
View full detailsMagic makes many a practical gadget of our time look old, but unfortunately, students are strictly forbidden from casting spells outside of Hogwart...
View full detailsCatching the golden snitch is one of those goals that are often within reach and yet require a great deal of effort to achieve. But the feeling of ...
View full detailsA wand, a pewter cauldron, a set of glass or crystal phials, a telescope, a set of brass scales and a pet (please note: an owl OR a cat OR a toad)....
View full detailsThis Harry Potter Wooden Writing Set Box will transport you to the magical world of Hogwarts. Each element of this carefully designed set is decora...
View full detailsEven if you were born with magical abilities, you would not be able to avoid learning magic from scratch. As we know, thanks to “Harry Potter”, it’...
View full detailsGringotts is anything but a ordinary bank and harbours many a secret. Fans of the story of Harry Potter will remember many a speedy journey through...
View full detailsThe story of the chosen young wizard Harry Potter has left its mark on fantasy literature. Now, you can leave these marks anywhere! These little co...
View full detailsAnyone who thinks that witches and wizards never go on long journeys is mistaken. Unlike us Muggles, they can use quick alternatives such as floo p...
View full detailsAnyone can wave a magic wand back and forth. The high art of magic is brewing effective potions. At least that's what Severus Snape would say, and ...
View full detailsHey, you! Why are you so sleepy again? It's only the afternoon! You won't get far with an attitude like that. What am I supposed to say? Do you thi...
View full detailsYou don't always recognise real heroes by their skin-tight suits! Some of them simply sit in front of their PC in jogging trousers. Yes, we're talk...
View full detailsDeadpool is known to be able to recover from any injury, no matter how serious. If bullets, swords and adamantium claws can't hurt him, you can giv...
View full detailsYou don’t have to be bitten by a radioactive spider to fight for good in the world. Sometimes a pen and some paper are enough. It’s just a shame th...
View full detailsThey might look like normal pencils at first glance, but there's actually magic inside! Because with this My Neighbour Totoro Pencil Set you can cr...
View full detailsMy Neighbour Totoro by Studio Ghibli is one of those films that never fails to make us happy. Just the sight of the cute forest spirits and the bro...
View full detailsAnyone who says that life writes the most beautiful stories has probably never heard of Hayao Miyazaki. He wrote the screenplay for My Neighbour To...
View full detailsNeed some help with an everyday problem? Then summon Mr. Meeseeks! Simply teleport into a famous TV series about a scientist and his grandson, grab...
View full detailsThe sand in his gourd is to Gaara what coffee or tea is to us in the early morning. It allows him to perform powerful attacks while we are able to ...
View full detailsIchiraku Ramen is one of the most important places ever for Naruto, because not only does it serve the tastiest ramen in the area, but it's also th...
View full detailsEven though the devil fruits have given Luffy extraordinary abilities, a pirate cannot live exclusively on them. Travelling by sea is exhausting an...
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