They wanted to know about the meaning of life but asked for "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything". And that to...
View full detailsThis shirt based on the jurassic park logo is a tribute to all the brave admins combating outdated systems, inexplicable server failures and of cou...
View full detailsWhen it comes to trading card games like Magic , there are a few different types of players: some rely on the late game and huge creatures, others ...
View full detailsJust like a lot of other things, Anonymous is a product of 4chan and has been politically active since 2008. The group fights against (Internet) ce...
View full detailsThe stereotypical nerd never leaves his mom's basement, is anti-social and only eats cold pizza and drinks warm soda. This image of our subculture ...
View full detailsWell, the Joker says that jokes that have to be explained are not jokes, but just this once we'll help you out a little :)As you can see, the ...
View full detailsWithout a doubt, unicorns are the friendliest and fluffiest of all mythical creatures. Magic, rainbows, glitter ... they've got the whole package. ...
View full detailsThe War of the Worlds book safe offers you an easy way to hide valuables or other things that are important to you. At first glance, the safe looks...
View full detailsSmell like Captain Kirk for once: it's possible with this Captain Kirk soap! In the vastness of space, non-Vulcans can sometimes work up a sweat. B...
View full detailsWe've had to wait 33 years for the Star Wars saga to continue... 33 years! Sure, it's only been 12 years since the last of the prequels, but come o...
View full detailsIf you've ever played a trading card game like Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh!, you'll know the situation shown on the "Combo Life" t-shirt all too well: you've...
View full detailsTrading card games like Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh! all follow the same basic concept: you draw cards and try to reduce your opponent's life total to zero. ...
View full details"The Lord of the Rings" has fascinated us nerds for generations. It's not just the detailed and diverse value of Middle-earth that inspires us, but...
View full detailsThis Giant Balrog Bath Duck is only for the brave! The demon from the darkness is not only really scary to look at, but also 150 percent bigger tha...
View full detailsWriting letters seems to be an occupation of the last century. German government offices still use them today, but that rather confirms this statem...
View full detailsTo become a Sayajin and become as successful and powerful as Son-Goku, you have to train hard. But good training alone is of course not enough, a b...
View full detailsYou don't need much for pen & paper role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons As the name suggests, pen, paper and a little imagination are all y...
View full detailsOriginally, Pip-Boys were a privilege reserved for Vault dwellers and raiders who encountered them, but with the Fallout Pip Boy 3000 MK V replica ...
View full detailsTo build a time machine, you need these things: a small nuclear reactor, a cool car that easily does 140 km/h, and of course a flux capacitor. A ti...
View full detailsEven the youngest among the Pastafarians knows that Charles Darwin fell victim to a divine hoax when he found so-called proof of evolution. As the ...
View full detailsDo you know the definition of insanity? Calling someone crazy even though his mother had him tested for it as a child! How can you doubt such a hig...
View full detailsSome science fiction series develop into real cultural assets over the course of decades. And this sometimes goes so far that even some props from ...
View full detailsIf a towel is the most important utensil to have with you when traveling the galaxy, then a tea towel is definitely the most important item in your...
View full detailsWe nerds often live in a different era. Our heads are usually still stuck in the 80s and 90s (Star Wars VI can't be more than 10 years old, can it?...
View full detailsWhen Harry - and we as readers - first get to know the world of witches and wizards, he is fascinated by all the magic. As we all know, it manifest...
View full detailsAs a true Tolkien fan, you can of course recite the complete works of the British author by heart. At every opportunity you can think of a suitable...
View full detailsJust lost a portal? First, take a deep breath. You'll regret any outbursts. Just think of the consequences of an augmented reality player who loses...
View full detailsHello, IT— here. Have you tried turning it off and on again? Is it definitely plugged in?This Shirt is for the fans of Moss and Roy, IT Admins at R...
View full detailsYou can never have enough posters and you can still find a place for this Jurassic World poster with dinosaurs even if all your walls are already f...
View full detailsNerds can't be romantic? That's just a prejudice, of course. Or why else would we have gone to the trouble of creating a Candlestick lightsaber? Th...
View full detailsEven back in the days of the Nintendo Gameboy, you could simply switch off with a good round of Kirby and go on an adventure with the little round ...
View full detailsThe game Magic: The Gathering was originally developed for students who wanted a bit of fun during their breaks and to channel their inner nerd at ...
View full detailsAnyone who thinks that all nerds are the same has never witnessed a heated debate about whether D&D or Shadowrun is the better pen & paper role-pla...
View full detailsPenny: They get all cranky when you mix the two up.Amy: What's the difference? Penny: There's absolutely no difference. We can't really agree with ...
View full detailsAfter a long, exhausting day at work, you sit down in front of your PC or console at home and relax with your favourite game. At least that's the t...
View full detailsYou're happily chipping away in your cave, looking for coal, iron, gold or diamonds, when a monster suddenly attacks you from behind, completely ou...
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